They Find Their Most Golden Self
Personal Growth
In today's lingo its
well known that "The positive emotion accompanying thoughts that are
directed toward meaningful goals is one of the most enduring components of
They Design Their Lives To Bring In Joy
It may seem obvious,
but "people don't devote enough time to thinking seriously about how they
spend their life and how much of it they actually enjoy," says David Schkade, PhD, a psychologist and professor of management at the
University of California San Diego.
"They didn't
realize their happiness was something they could design and have control
They Avoid "If Only" Fantasies
only I get a better job...find a man...lose the
will be perfect. Happy people don't buy into this kind of thinking.
The latest research
shows that we're surprisingly bad at predicting what will make us happy.
Happy people are wise
to this, which is why they keep their lives full of novelty, even if it's just
trying a new activity (diving, yoga)
They Put Best Friends First
It's no surprise that
social engagement is one of the most important contributors to happiness.
What's news is that
the nature of the relationship counts. Compared with dashing around chatting
with acquaintances, you get more joy from spending longer periods of time with
a close friend, according to research by Meliksah
Demir, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at Northern Arizona University.
They Allow Themselves To Be Happy
"Some people
would say you shouldn't strive for personal happiness until you've taken care
of everyone in the world who is starving or doesn't have adequate medical
care," says Howard Cutler, MD,
coauthor with the Dalai Lama of The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World.
"The Dalai Lama believes you should pursue both simultaneously”.
There is clear
research showing that “happy people tend to be more open to helping others.
They also make better spouses and parents“.
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!